An essay o a better tomorrow
grade 6
write 20 sentences
A Better Tomorrow"
Elbow room, Personal space, and the like; these are all commodities that we can look to in our glorious future. With Global hatred, civil unrest, and just plain greed, the chances of turning that all around is slim to none. Ralph Waldo Emerson made a great aphorism that describes this: "The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization." Over population, lack of agricultural industry, and the push for a better tomorrow, are some influences that will bring us to the end.
Houses the size of a bathroom, 30 story hotels, and lines stretching around the building four times: that doesn't sound good to you? Well, it doesn't to me either. The population increase is wasting recourses the Earth doesn't have. Keeping in mind that some countries are try to fix it, their effort alone is not enough. Even if China, India, and the U.S., yes the United States isn't perfect, restrict birth rate, it wouldn't help. The reason is: if your country can only have one child per-family it doesn't make a large difference if your population is in the billions. When taking statistics for a country with birth restrictions you have to estimate. Let's estimate a country with a population of one-billion and birth control of one child: let's say that only seventy-five percent of the population have children, that's seven-hundred and fifty million new children, now let's guess that thirty percent of them break the law and have more then one child that's two-hundred and twenty-five families having an average of two to four children adding to the population at least an extra two-hundred and twenty-five million new citizens. I hope you see where I'm going with this. In short term we need a plan, a drastic plan, now I'm not supporting another world war or, for moral reasons, turning living beings in to resources. We need a plan and we needed it ten years ago.