An essay on kind words unlock the iron door
Kind words can unlock iron doors
There is a popular saying that the strongest thing in the world is kindness. It's amazing what kindness can do.
Kindness can enrich your life, build the foundation for wonderful relationships. Even when meeting people, paying them a genuine compliment is a nice way to start a friendship.
Kind words can unlock iron doors is a proverb about getting impossible situations of dealing with people to open up when we are kind in our words. Harsh words make a bad situation worse. Those who have positive energy of kindness and understanding can build communities of kindness and make it more cordial and loving.
Kind words break through the iron door of emotional connection. Words of kindness build positive feelings, inspire and motivate those around us.
Mark Twain said, "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." An act of kindness never goes futile. If you are kind to someone it will reflect in your and his behavior. Kindness is not a weakness. It is a strength that is capable of doing what appears to be impossible of achieving. Always be kind in your deeds and words.
Kind words unlock the iron door
Kindness is a very rare quality of the human heart. All the great personages and spiritual masters have emphasized the importance of practicing kindness while dealing with others, especially those who are our opponents, enemies, and adversaries. The world is governed by the law of ‘give and take’. According to this law what you give, comes back to you multiplied.
I realized the authenticity of in my life also. Once I was returning home from a distant city. Owing to the foggy weather, the bus was moving very slowly; as result when I reached my city, it was midnight. One of my co-passengers, who had been sitting with me on the same seat, asked me if I knew any good hotel. During the travel, I had developed a kind of liking for him. I offered to take him home with me. He was reluctant, but finally gave in. He spent the night at my home in the guest room. In the morning he left with a sincere heartfelt gratitude.
After a gap of five years I had to visit Jodhpur. Unfortunately I reached the city quite late at night. I had neither any relative living there, nor any friend. I had my own doubts about staying in any hotel. I suddenly remembered my old friend whom I had helped on a night. I called him and asked him if he had any relative or friend living in Jodhpur. To my surprise he said his in-laws lived in Jodhpur. He immediately called his brother in-law to help me. His brother-in-law reached the railway station within 20 minutes. He took me to his home; I was given a memorable hospitality.
Next morning I thanked my hospitable hosts profusely. I also thanked my friend. Sitting in the bus I wondered at the law of kindness. I had helped someone in need five years ago; and the same law helped me in my hour of need.