English, asked by sam11oscar, 1 year ago

an essay on people should not be allowed to go on a hunger strike about 400


Answered by Fatimakincsem
From a very old time, Hunger Strikes have been used as a form of non-violent opposition/resistance, similar to a 'Dharna' or a sit-down.
Perhaps the most popular examples of Hunger Strike have been the numerous cases found all over India in recent years, where civil society members and even law makers have resorted to hunger strikes to get their voice heard.

Hunger Strike, as opposed to a simple 'Dharna/Sit-down' is done to put more pressure on an opposition, since it is a form of self-torture, which can lead to Mal-nutrition and even death, which can bring even more shame and trouble to the opposition. However, this is a harmful practice exactly because it can categorized as 'Self-Torture' and eventually a form of blackmail

Some people might call it an extreme example of getting your voice hard or, maybe say that in a country like India, people have no other option, but in reality people do have other options but a hunger strike is simply a blackmailing tactic that can work.

Many famous people have gone on hunger strikes and with them, their supporters and followers have also gone on hunger strikes. Hence, this is complete and utter exploitation of the poor and uneducated masses, who blindly follow their leaders and even self-torture themselves.

E.g. Suicide or committing suicide is illegal in most of the world  and so is self-torture. India should pass laws to declare hunger strikes as completely unlawful and people should be punished.

The problem is that in an emotional country like India,Hunger Strikes have huge appeal among people and provide a strong message to opposition. Hunger Strikes are routinely covered by Media and the Press, providing massive coverage of even the smallest issues in a small town.

Hunger Strikes have been so effective, that even Public sector employees/servants and even some private company employees have resorted to using them in order to get their demands met.

A civil thing would actually be to negotiate properly over certain issues, instead of making a whole 'drama' about some small disagreements.

For example, some of the world's best and most famous politicians such as Napoleon, George Washington, Churchill etc never resorted to using such primitive methods of negotiation or resistance. Instead, they relied on class-diplomacy, mastered the art of negotiation and even went to war, but never-ever, not in any circumstance, did they resort to the child-play known as Hunger Striker
Answered by mavishmeet


Yes, People should be allowed to go on a hunger strike

The history of hunger strike has become a powerful medium of struggle or we can say another form of blackmail, says Nitesh.  “While on hunger strike, one has a lot of time to study the theoretical basis and practical implications.  As it goes by saying- History is in itself a guide! In India, hunger strike is an ancient practice, since it appears in the Ayodhya Kanda (the second book of the Ramayana) and in pre-Christian Ireland; hunger strike was used as a method of protesting injustice where it was known as Troscadh orCealachan.”

I feel people should be allowed to go on a hunger strike because they have the right to demand their rights in a non violent method. If they feel that they lack a particular facility, then they can go on hunger strike.

hunger strikes can lead to health issues, however they were proven to be a very effective method of getting politics listen to people. For this reason, if one feels passionate about something, they should most definitely be allowed to so that their cause is at least considered within political parties.

It's better than violence.


Hunger strikes do not affect anybody except for yourself. First of all, it's better than violence. Hunger strikes are your choice, so it only affects you. It may kill you, but it doesn't kill others. If you want to kill yourself through a hunger strike, go ahead; as long as it doesn't kill other innocent people who wouldn't want to die.

hunger strike influences people to raise their voices against all malpractices of the government, and the injustice which happens all around the country. “Though hunger strike is a way to obtain justice, it also civil disobedience. In that case, protestors will need a government that  can at least be seen as reasonable and fair. It’s a way for people to rebel against what they perceive as unfair laws or decisions. History has shown that with a justified reason, civil disobedience successfully achieved its goal: The US Civil Rights Movement, Gandhi’s campaigns for independence from the British Empire and the Apartheid Resistance Movement. One has to know where to start the strike and especially the objective has to be justified.”

hunger strikes are an easy way to gain the attention of the media and the sympathy of the public, says the young man. “People tend to oppose change and such a step can hamper governmental agendas and prevent visions of the country’s future from materialising. Hunger strikes force authorities to give in to demands of some people, who are sometimes selfish in their approach to the state aiming for national improvement. Hunger strikes have historically been carried out for the right causes and it is the ultimate solution for those who are not able to make their voices heard. It should continue as a sacred step and not one that everyone adopts for every little issue.”

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