An essay on price rise
Introduction: The problem of rising prices is common all over the world. But this problem is more serious in India than anywhere else, because the prices of essential commodities are going high day by day. The government is unable to control the prices of necessary goods. The rise in prices is natural in a developing country like India. But when it is out of control,it causes great difficulties for the masses. It is a great curse to poor class. The following facts have caused the price rise in India.
1)Shortage of things:- India is a backward country. Production is not so enough to meet the needs of her people. So there is a shortage of everything. It causes rise in prices.
2)Over population:-India is facing the great problem of over population. But production does not increase in same ratio as the population increases. So people’s need cannot be met. The prices goes high. As such there is a great need to check on population.
3) Backward farming methods:- The world over, people are adapting to the modern ways of farming. In our country, farmers are still stuck to their age-old methods. The is the reason of the low yield. Due to look of sufficient supply, prices rise. There is shortage of oil seeds,pulses, gram and some other food grains. Scientific methods and cooperative farming can help a lot to improve agriculture.
4)Social Evils:- people waste too much money and material on social and religious fuction. There is much waste at the time of marriages, birth or deaths. People should be taught to be get ride of orthodoxy.
5) Corrupt practices of businessmen :-In India, businessmen generally store and hoard commodities to sell them in black market and higher rates. People may starve but they will not led their big profit go. Besides, there is a lot of black money in circulation. Hoarding and black marketing have made the situation worse. The frequent strikes in factories also affect the production, which results in rise in prices. The most important factor which in responsible for price rise is the mentality of the people to become a millionaire overnight.
Conclusion:- Our government should try to increase production and convince people of advantages of family planning. Production should be increased by using scientific methods. The government should impart technical and scientific training to the industrial workers to enable them to increase production so as to bring about a fall in the prices of essential commodities.