English, asked by Hafizaa8055, 8 months ago

An essay on 'The Happiest Day Of My Life'


Answered by devansh82611


Life is full of happy days and sad days, the latter being more common in life. A happy day is that day when everything seems to go well with life and loved ones, though these happy days are also different from each other due to the degree of happiness they impart.

The happiest day of my life is the day when my elder brother graduated from the IIT, Delhi. One would wonder why and how should that event make me so very happy, that, I earmark it as the happiest day of my life. Yes, I call this day as the happiest day of my life up to now as, that day gave me a lot physically, mentally, and even financially.

My elder brother is ten years senior to me and, I was still in the Seventh Standard last year when my brother passed out of the IIT, Delhi, completing his graduation in Engineering. His result was announced in May. It was the 17th of May I remember, as, it was also the first day of my summer vacations.

Answered by jhansijeyakumar12

While my mind was occupied with thoughts of holiday and having fun with my friends, the doorbell rang. I ran to answer it and found the postman with a parcel and a letter for me.

I signed the paper and took the parcel. My hands were itching to open the packet out of intense curiosity. I ripped the parcel open and found a beautiful tape recorder in it. The parcel has been sent from the U.S. and the letter along with it was from my uncle who had sent me a wonderful gift.

However, even more, exciting than receiving the tape recorder was the letter which my uncle had written. The letter was an invitation to go to the USA to spend holidays.

My uncle had arranged everything for me the tickets and the visa. I already had a passport. My heart skipped several beats as I ran to give this great news to my mother.

She was taken aback initially and her first reaction was not so positive. However, she thought over it, consulted my father who was in his office and they both agreed to allow me to go to the United States to spend the rest of my holidays with my uncle.

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