an essay on THE STARRY NIGHT. 300 words
"A Starry Night" reveals much passion, effort, emotions, and the great amount of time Vincent Van Gogh put forth in order to complete this master piece. The audience quickly finds them selves standing beneath the star lit sky, after they are captured by the vast use of line, form, shape, and color. Vincent Van Gogh had a talent like no other; The kind of talent which pulled you into his works of art.
Vincent Van Gogh's " A Starry Night" is an oil on canvas painting. The actual texture of the painting is rough, giving the painting an extra swirl. Contrast is shown through color and in size with the petite village, grand sky, miniature stars, and the great bright moon. The shades of yellows, blues, and greens send a sharp emotion. A variety of elements are used within the painting, but the center of interest is in the movement of the energy in the sky. It sends a harmony through the trees and a feeling of rolling down the mountains. The emphasis of the organic shapes suggests to the audience that he was looking into the depths of the unknown beyond our knowledge.
Located in the bottom left of the painting is an old winding tree trunk of a cypress tree . The trunk shows great movement to your eye through the winding roots. The solid dark green and brown thick roots point high in the direction of the star lit night, as if they were reaching out for one last touch of life. You can almost hear the wind whistling as it
blows through the surrounding sky of cool colored blues. A swirling breeze chills through the trunk on the hill and sweeps down into the retired village below. The village, shaped by geometric figures, is nestled in by the warm rolling hills in the distance. The proud standing church located into heart of the town stretches above the roof tops. The steeple of the church
The Starry Night At first look Vincent Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” seems like a painting of the night sky over a small town. Van Gogh was an incredible painter, and was able to make his paintings look very realistic. “The Starry Night” is no exception. Van Gogh uses artistic elements, such as the colors he choose, brushstrokes, and images to help make the paint look realistic, and appeal to emotions of viewers. These images and elements are used to give the viewer of the painting a feeling of hope or safety in times of darkness. The first thing that is noticed when looking at the painting is the stars in the night sky. Van Gogh has painted night skies previously to painting a starry night, by doing so he was able to almost perfect how the night skies looked. The use of the bright colors against the cool and dark colors of the sky gives it an extremely realistic look. Van Gogh uses the stars to show the light that is in darkness. Although the night sky is dark, the moon and the stars help provide light in the night. For centuries stars were used as a way for travelers to find their way in the dark. Just like actual stars, the stars in The Starry Night appear to be guiding the viewer to the village. This can be seen as hope, because although it is dark, there are stars to help guide you. The village in the painting is seen as being lit up and almost glowing. He uses the warm colors against the dark sky to give the viewer a sense of warmth and safety. Because of the colors of the stars against the night sky and the town in the background, Van Gogh is able to give the painting a realistic look and is able to give the viewer a feeling of hope. Other than the colors he chooses, Van Gogh’s brushstrokes and method of painting allows the painting to be realistic. The circular brushstrokes around the stars give the appearance of the stars radiating light. This also lets the stars stick out from the sky because two different strokes are used. The swirling strokes in the sky also stick out of the sky. The difference in brushstrokes grabs the viewers’ attention and appears to be leading to the town. As you look into the back ground of the painting, the layering of the pain over each other gives the painting depth the straight brushstrokes on the hill also help give the illusion of distance.