English, asked by Khushmeet1, 1 year ago

an essay on topic 'people'


Answered by sana1223
No two men are alike. People differ widely in their nature. Some people are of sweet nature. They are loved by all. Everyone wants to win their friendship. On the other hand, there are people who are ill-tempered. They easily offend others. “Birds of a feather flock together”, is an oft quoted saying. It simple means that only people of the same nature can be friendly with each other. Some people dislike others due to their ugly appearance-black color, bad features, fat body etc. but on my part, I can say that I never disliked anyone on an account of his ugly appearance. I only dislike those nature is not good and who have a defective character. Thus, I dislike ill-tempered people.Fashion is another of my pet aversions. Now-a-days people are becoming more and more fashion-minded. They may not eat well, but they like to put on costly dresses. Students come to the classes with combs in their pockets. They comb their hair while the professor is lecturing. Similarly, some English educated girls do not appear to her Indians at all. They madly copy the western culture. They waste hours together in dressing their hair and painting their faces with cream, powder, lip-stick, cheek-stick and what not. Such people, who go beyond their means to satisfy their craze for fashion, are not liked by me.
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