CBSE BOARD X, asked by ujjwal2016sharma, 1 year ago

An organic compound X on heating with conc. H₂SO₄ forms a compound .This Y on addition of 1 mole of hydrogen in presence Ni forms Z.Now one mole of Z on combustion forms two moles of CO₂ and three moles of H₂O.Identify X , Y and Z and also write the chemical equation of reaction involved


Answered by mansimj2003

Hey here is it ans.

Ethanol on heating with conc. H2SO4 gives ethene (dehydration) then ethene on addition of H2 in the presence of Ni. Gives ethyne and at last ethyne on addition of H2 molecule gives CO2 and H2O.

Hope it's clear to uh


ujjwal2016sharma: thank you for your answer!!!
mansimj2003: Pls mark as brainliest
ujjwal2016sharma: ok
ujjwal2016sharma: i will do in just a second
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