Analyse essay, "The Best Years of life" by Osbert Sitwell.
Looking back now, I can see that people were right when they said that my high school years would be the best years of my life. Most teenagers complain that their lives are unfair and that high school is the worst part. I know this to be true because I have done my share of complaining. Even though I have many responsibilities, probably more than most people my age, my teenage high school years have been very carefree and enjoyable compared to future years as an adult and I have learned many life lessons through out my years in high school that will prepare me for many of life's challenges.
I know that even though I have complained and have looked forward to graduating, I will miss being in school. So, I have to say that my high school years are the best years of my life. If an individual really thinks about it, their high school years are some of the best years of their life. While teenagers are still in high school and living at home, they do not have to worry about having money to by lunch, clothes, gas, or anything else, unlike when one graduates and moves out on their own.
As a rule, teenagers do not have to worry about whether a certain bill has to be paid on this day and another bill on that day. They do not have to worry about not getting their electric bill paid by a certain day of the month so that their lights are not turned off or they do not have house payments or medical bills or many of the responsibilities that occur later in life. Some teenagers have a summer job that they have had for several years, while others have a full time job everyday after school, and then there are the ones that have no job at all. In my case, I have that full time job and work more then most my age.
I have had a job of some sort, since I was about five years old, whether it be running a ride, game or concession trailer for a friend that owns a carnival, working for my mother running games or concessions, or working for myself running a game or concession that I have saved my money to buy. This is one reason that I say that I have more responsibility than most teenagers and another reason is because I have always been treated like an adult and not a child. Everyone thinks that teenagers do not have to deal with any "real world drama", just the so called "petty teenage drama."Petty teenage drama" is just as important as any kind of drama an adult might have, petty or not, and teenagers do have to deal with "real world drama". One example of how teenagers have to deal with "real world drama" is what happened on September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were hit by terrorists and many lives were lost unnecessarily. It affected teenagers (well, at least me) the same way it did adults, if not more. This is just one example of how teenagers have do deal with the "real world drama", but it, also, prepares us for life's challenges at a time when we are not alone and we have the support of family and high school.
When one is in high school, he or she is not quite an adult, but not a kid anymore either. One's high school years are the last chance that one has to be a "kid", so to speak, before one has to go out into the world and become an adult. The friends, parties, football games and life in general will never be the same again. I never really agreed with the people that told me that my high school years are the best years of my life, until I started thinking about it a couple weeks ago and realized that they are precisely right.
Even though there are problems and challenges, they are nothing compared to the future. The problems, challenges and what seems to be hard work are just building blocks for the future. This is why my high school years are the best years of my life.