Diary entry first day of council exam
Diary writing
Tuesday 18th February 10 p.m:
Dear Diary,
Today was one of the most vital days of my life. It marked the first day of the council exams.
Both Father and Mother went to drop me. Before setting out Grandmother called for a special prayer service and made me eat a spoon of curd. I was very nervous.
Once we entered the examination hall the examination fever gripped me. My knees began to knock. When the invigilator handed me the paper I could barely read.
Slowly I got accustomed to the situation and began to write. I answered like mad. The questions were tough but I had prepared them well as English is my favourite subject after all.
When the warning bell went I still had one question to answer. I finished at the nick of time. There was no time for revision.
However I was satisfied with the paper. I have given my best shot. Will have to prepare for tomorrow's paper. So see you today.
Your friend
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