English, asked by amankumarrana7, 3 months ago

Analyse the following case and answer the questions:

Judy is a unit clerk in an outpatient pediatric clinic. It is an especially busy day, and the second unit clerk has called in sick for the day. A young mother arrives for her 10:30 appointment a few minutes late, carrying a very upset, and crying, 4- month-old baby boy. The mom says "I am so sorry I am a little late; it was hard to get him here. He's so sick!" Without looking up. Judy sighs heavily and says, “You're going to have to wait now, three people are ahead of you." She turns her chair away from the mother and mumbles, "First, you need to fill out this new paperwork." Judy cannot see that the young mother has started to cry. Judy hands her the paperwork, again without looking at her. The mom asks, "Can I have a pen please?" Judy rolls her eyes, and searches her drawer for a pen. She hands her the pen as she answers the phone.

Questions: 1. What could Judy have done to improve the interaction with the mother?
2. What could the mother have said to Judy to improve the situation? ​


Answered by llSingularityll


a) in order to improve the situation Judy shoul have acted differently .

Judy should have been compassionate with the women as she could clearly see that the baby is crying and being a woman herself she must have an understanding of the Lady's situation .

Judy should have consoled her and nicely to her , looking into Lady's eyes and would have Improve the situation

b) The mother had already apologize herself for being late .

There is nothing more she can do from her part to improve the situation .



Answered by Jaswindar9199
  • 1) Judy could have improved the interaction with the mother by first looking up at the mother to exactly know and understand what the mother and child were going through. Secondly, she should have acknowledged the fact that the child was really sick which is why she was late. Thirdly, she should have treated the child even if they were late because it is the duty of a doctor to treat sick people. Fourthly she should not have shown hostility to the mother for coming late.

  • 2) The mother should have said to Judy directly the symptoms of her son's sickness or the exact term for the sickness her son was going through because even if Judy was not looking but at least she was listening, Judy might have changed her attitude for once after knowing the reason or the exact sickness. If the sickness would have been very urgent, Judy might have shown any kind of concern.


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