analyse the role of unorganized sector in GDP
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Most people in India earn a livelihood by working for an income. They work for one employer or many, or as self employed or own account workers or as contract workers, home-based workers etc. in every sector in the economy. The informal sector is economic activity that is neither taxed nor monitored by a government; and is not included in that government's Gross National Product (GNP); as opposed to a formal economy. Although the informal economy is often associated with developing countries-where up to 60% of the labor force (with as much 40% of GDP) works, all economic systems contain an informal economy in some proportion.
Share in national income
The Non-Corporate or unincorporated sector constitutes largest portion of the economy in terms of value addition, savings, investments etc. The share of corporate sector is around 12-14 percent in our national income while that of unincorporated [non-corporate] or Bhagidari sector is more than 30 percent. In the case of United States, the share of corporate business is nearly 70 percent.
Even in manufacturing activity the share of non-corporate sector is nearly 40 percent if we consider the unregistered manufacturing group (fully non-corporate sector) plus the partnership proprietorship groups in the registered manufacturing group.
The non-corporate forms of organisations are major players in such activities as manufacturing, construction, transport, trade, hotels and restaurants, and business and personal services.
The informal sector plays a significant role in the economy in terms of employment opportunities and poverty alleviation. This sector generates income-earning opportunities for a large number of people. In India, a large section of the total workforce is still in the informal sector, which contributes a sizeable portion of the country's net domestic product.
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