Analysis water pollution
Six Main Sources of Water Pollution. Article shared by : Some of the important sources of water pollution are: (i) Domestic effluents and sewage, (ii) Industrial effluents, (iii) Agricultural effluents, (iv) Radioactive wastes, (v) Thermal pollution, and (vi) Oil pollution.
(i) Domestic Effluents and Sewage:
Man, for his various domestic purposes such as drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, cooling, etc., uses on an average 135 litres of water per day. About 70 to 80 per cent of this is discharged and drained out, which through municipal drains poured into, in many cases, a river, tank or lake.
(ii) Industrial Effluents:
Industrial activities generate a wide variety of waste products, which are normally discharged into water courses. Major contributors are the pulp and paper, chemicals, petrochemicals and refining, metal working, food processing, textile, distillery, etc. The wastes, broadly categorised as heavy metals or synthetic organic compounds, reach bodies of water either through direct discharge or by leaching from waste dumps.
(iii) Agricultural Effluents:
Agricultural water pollution is caused by fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides, farm animal wastes and sediments. In recent years, use of chemical fertilisers has increased manifold. The green revolution in India is a reflection of the increased use of fertilisers. The chemicals used in fertilisers enter the groundwater by leaching and the surface waters by run-off. ..............