Anchoring assembly’s script

Anchoring assembly’s script
Good morning everyone
With a new day comes a new & refreshing topic
Today our topic will be - {TOPIC}
Let us start our day by seeking blessing from the almighty. For that I would like to call [Name of the person] for the Quran recitation followed by [Name of the person] for the Quran translation.
A school has its own vision and mission
So I would like to call [Name of the person] for the school vision and [Name of the person] for the school mission.
Let us all stand in attention position as a mark of respect towards the UAE national anthem followed by the Indian national anthem.
An oath is a way to make us aware of our duties as a student towards our school. So I request [Name of the person] to lead us with the pledge.
A meaningful thought as an unique place in our life . So here is [Name of the person] For the thought of the day.
North East West South stands For news. Now I would like to call to [Name of the person] up-to-date us with the latest happening around the world.
An Assembly without something special is always incomplete. So to make it special here is [Name of the person] deliver a speech on today's topic.
A starting always has an end.Now we reached to the end of our assembly. I would like to call our class teacher to speak few words.
I hope you liked our assembly. Thank you and have a nice day ahead.
Assembly dispersed.