World Languages, asked by kaynatasaqlaini, 1 year ago

Anchoring on the topic of plastic and risk management for school assembly


Answered by goodstudent81

Me: A warm good morning to respective teachers, inspectors and my dear friends. My name is jean and i am here with my friend jemma. Today we, (class and section) would like to share our opinion about plastic. Jemma, do u know how plastic can harm us?

Jemma: (confused) no jean, i never knew that using plastic is bad..

Jean: well u should, dont worry jemma! Though you dont know, i am pretty sure kayla knows the disadvantages of plastic. Kayla! I request you to please tell everyone including jemma, the disadvantages of plastic.

(kayla comes on stage and tells her speech)

Jemma: thank you soo much kayla. Now i understood that using plastic is not good AT ALL.

Jean: oh yes! Now i know mors about plastic, that wad VERY informative kayla, thank you so much!

Jemma: but wait!

Jean: what? What happened?

Jemma: thsre must be some people who did not understand what kayla just said!

Jean: maybe! But... What do we do now??

Jemma: Dont fear when niya is here!! Now, niya and her team will show us a skit for us to understand better!

Jean: oh.. Ok! Niya! Come on to the stage!

(niya's team walks in and finish their skit)

Jemma: i am pretty sure that now everyone understood as they made it very clear.

Jean: you are right jemma! There is NO way anyone did not understand.

Jemma: yes!

Jean: Jemma it is time!!

Jemma: all the good things must come to an end...i want ruth to come on the stage with the vote of thanks.

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