English, asked by aliamer19923, 7 months ago

And his horse in the silence champed the grasses Of the forest’s ferny floor" The speaker in this line is : *


Answered by Vyomsingh


His horse is Subject in this Sentence

Answered by soniatiwari214


The speaker is the traveller.


The peom is "The Listeners" published by Walter de la Mare.

Here, the poem describes an unidentified "Traveller" approaching an abandoned house that seems to be home to ghosts, but it doesn't provide any answers to the reader's many queries about who these ghosts are.

The Listeners" asserts a certain unsolvable mystery of the world around them while simultaneously acknowledging people's yearning to seek insight. In essence, the poem implies that despite their best efforts, people do not always get the answers they are looking for.

The existential isolation brought on by such mystery appears to be reflected in "The Listeners." The poem draws a line between its lone human subject, the environment around the abandoned home, and the ghosts who ignore the Traveller's summons.


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