Science, asked by adarshpenikal79, 9 months ago

and peripher
arteries to become hard causing an
When blood is forced to flow in a narrow lumen
caused due to arteriosclerosis, then the blood
pressure rises. This causes hypertension.
Q. 13 Explain the following:
acture of
of normal
6th amino
by valine.
ed. This
acity of
1) Explain Mendel's monohybrid progen
with the help of any one cross.
Ans. (1) Monohybrid cross is the cross of mati
involving only one pair of contrasting characters
(2) In P, generation tall and dwarf plants
used for the cross. The progeny developed thr
cuch cross were all tall. Therefore, Mendelo​


Answered by Anonymous

♥-genetic cross between parents that differ in the alleles they possess for one particular gene, one parent having two dominant alleles and the other two recessives. All the offspring (called monohybrids) have one dominant and one recessive allele for that gene (i.e. they are hybrid at that one locus)

Answered by Anonymous


genetic cross between parents that differ in the alleles they possess for one particular gene, one parent having two dominant alleles and the other two recessives. All the offspring (called monohybrids) have one dominant and one recessive allele for that gene (i.e. they are hybrid at that one locus)

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