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According to electro magnetic induction,when there is a change in magnetic Flux related to a conductor an induced current is produced. Hence current is induced in coil B.
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Yes, current is induced in coil B because of change in magnetic flux linked to the coil. Say you have a yatch and it is moving in a sea. The sail of the yatch (The cloth that is held up straight for air to hit it, so that the yatch moves) is hit by air. FLUX is simply the amount of air hitting the sail.
Similarly, the current through coil A induces a magnetic field around the coil A. When the magnetic field lines passing through the coil B (Suppose it is the sail and field lines are air (analogy)), the varing amount of field lines induces current in coil B, owing to Einstein's special theory of relativity, length contraction, to be specific
Similarly, the current through coil A induces a magnetic field around the coil A. When the magnetic field lines passing through the coil B (Suppose it is the sail and field lines are air (analogy)), the varing amount of field lines induces current in coil B, owing to Einstein's special theory of relativity, length contraction, to be specific

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