Math, asked by allysia, 1 year ago

Answer all four questions.


allysia: 32,33, 36 and 37 with explanation.


Answered by parisakura98pari
Refer to the file attached below.
qu 32 is wrong. A/Q my ans is 2^m/2 and value of m is not given .
So I've edited that ques which would fetch u  2 as answer.
In Qu 33, my ans is (q² - p²)(1 - p²q²)  which doesn't matches any  option.
In qu 37 I've used fiitjee trick
put a= b= c= 2    and p= q= r= 3  

these satisfy given condition

 a^p = b^q = c^r = abc              pqr = 3.3.3 = 27

now putting these value in options

a) p²q + q²r = 3².3 + 3².3 = 54 so this option is wrong
b) pq + pr + rp = 3.3 + 3.3 + 3.3 = 9+9+9 = 27  option b) is correct
c) (pq + qr + rp)² = (3.3+ 3.3 +3.3) ² = 27² = 729  wrong
d) pq(qr + rp) = 3.3 (3.3 + 3.3) = 9(9+9) = 9(18) = 162 so one too wrong

hence option B)

allysia: Thank you.
parisakura98pari: Do u have any doubt in this ques?
allysia: I didn't understood the fitjee trick
parisakura98pari: are u indian...........I mean your name suggest u r that so?
parisakura98pari: well I've been fiitjeeian and there my teacher used to teach tricks to solve problems.
parisakura98pari: many times in mcqs we can simply put values. That fetches ans easily
parisakura98pari: provided conditions are being satisfied.
parisakura98pari: here I assumed a= b= c= 2 and p= q = r = 3 this made easy to tackle the problem. hope that u get my point.
allysia: Thanks for help
Answered by shardakuknaa


your answer is in the attachment

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