answer all the questions please
Old Kaspar's family has been referred to. His house was burnt in the war and his family had to flee.
Wilhelmine was Old Kaspar's granddaughter. She was playing on the grass.
The little girl Wilhelmine saw her brother Peterkin rolling something that was large and round. Peterkin had found the thing by the side of a stream while playing.
Peterkin, while playing had found something which he had brought home to ask his grandfather what it was....
His grandfather,Kasper told his grandson,Peterkin that the round,smooth and large object was poor fellow's skull who died in the great victory...
Sniffer dog Tucker uses his nose to help researchers find out why a killer whale population off the northwest coast of the United States is on the decline. ... He is one of the elite team of detection dogs used by scientists studying a number of species including right whales and killer whales.your class is making plans to go on a visit to a national park , botanical or horticultural gardens . In simple , short but complete sentences, write down your plans for the trip - the date, location , transport things to carry clothes, to wear, and so on . Make a list of all that you will need to take.Indian Lotus. Nelumbo nucifera (NELUMBONACEAE) ...
Taro. Colocasia esculenta (ARACEAE) ...
False Ohe. Polyscias racemosa (ARALIACEAE) ...
Koki`o `ula`ula. Hibiscus kokio subsp. ...
Ohia lehua. Metrosideros polymorpha (MYRTACEAE) ...
Cacao. Theobroma cacao (MALVACEAE) ...
Heliconia caribaea (HELICONIACEAE) ...