English, asked by priyaksyedriyara, 1 year ago

Answer any one of the following in 80-100 words :
Both the boys at Verona were full of grit, determination and hope. At a young age they exhibited
qualities that are difficult to come even in adults. This story teaches us not to lose hope and courage
even in adverse situations. Elaborate.
As one of the villagers participatingin the hunting expedition,you are surprised tosee an extravagant display of wealth and money for fame which ends in failure. You decide to write a diary mocking at the situation and expressing your feelings against the show of false ego.


Answered by ikrakhadim

Letters and envelopes are not merely dead pieces of paper. They are the living documents of human love and concern. Who else but All can explain it well who, in the whole story, kept on waiting for his daughter Miriam's letter. He even gave up hunting as, after his daughter's marriage, he realised the essence of love and the pangs of separation. These pangs of separation transformed even the postmaster who could also understand the agony of a separated father when he himself waited for his sick daughter's letter. Only a man with a father's heart can understand the anxiety and worry of another father separated from his child. The whole story revolves round the letter which both the postmaster and Ali waited for. Ali gave five gold guineas to Lakshmi Des to deliver his letter at his grave, after his death telling us the importance of Miriam's letter. Thus, due importance must be given to letters and they should not be treated as merely pieces of paper. We must realise the value of relations. 


The two sisters in the play lived by double standards. Each of them tried to surpass the other. Amelia tried to steal the bureau before Elizabeth's arrival whereas, Elizabeth was late because she wanted to reach there in mourning dress. She was in no hurry to reach her father's house even after hearing the news of his death. Both of them laid more stress on getting materialistic gains from Abel's death as Amelia wanted to steal the clock whereas Elizabeth wanted grandfather's watch. Their hypocrisy reached its height when at tea, they discussed about newspaper announcement even before confirming his death. But when Abel came down, both of them were shocked. Further they got a terrible blow when their father announced his marriage with Mrs. Shorrocks and the change of his will. 
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