answer dedo na koi plz

1. The new charity tries to offer a helping hand to young people who have became addicted to drugs.
2. The FBI is looking for Tom Charles, familiarly known as Charlie the Kid.
3. i.) ai, aye, I ii.) to, too, two
4. Everyone was amazed at the prosperity of the survivors.
“The road not taken” is a poem written by Robert Frost. The poem is about a traveller who happens to come across the woods. He happens to come to a point which had two divergent routes. He is confused as to which one to pick.
So he evaluates the two paths. The second path seems unused. But he further inspects and states that both the paths seem quite the same. He picks the second path having saved the first one for the next try. But he realizes that he might not come back.
He states that one fine day he will able to tell the world that he picked the path that was not used, unlike others who would prefer the path that might be used earlier. The critical appreciation is that the author actually acts different from the usual people, so he could make a difference and he is proud of that.