Physics, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

Answer: (i) Where citizens have the right to vote and elections are held regularly, it is democracy. But elections should be free and fair. In India democracy exist because elections are held free and fair

sab isse bhul gye ho kya føłłøw kro isko agr pta hai iska
naye ke. baadh isko bhul gye
jisne nhi kiya wooh føłłøw krdo please yr
dekho đp
se kitni cûte si lg rhi hai ​​
only tøbu ans other will be reported​


Answered by LysToxique

\bold{✔Correct \: Question}

What is vote?

\bold {AnswEr!!}

Vote means to choose a person who could do better for them than other people.

\bold{✔Correct \: Question}

What is right to vote?

\bold {AnswEr!!}

Right to vote means to have a right of choosing a person.

\bold{✔Correct \: Question}

What is Universal adult franchise?

\bold {AnswEr!!}

Universal adult franchise is the right to vote for adults who are of 18 yrs or above.

\bold \red{Hope \: you \: were \: asking \: these!}

Answered by Savagelove01


All citizens of the Philippines, eighteen years of age or over, and residents of the Philippines for one year and for at least six months in the city or municipality wherein he/she proposes to vote immediately preceding the election are qualified to vote.

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