English, asked by nagahaitanya545, 8 months ago

Answer in your notebook.
. Read the sentences and answer the questions.
A. My teacher is a rock when he makes up his mind.
B. The lava was a blanket of fire that scorched all the plants in its path.
C. The ice was a mirror of the landscape in the distance.
D. The spider was an artist, spinning webs.
E. The highway was one long parking lot.
F. The new school was a maze.
G. The final test was a puzzle that was missing the final piece.
H. Be careful in the city on Diwali. It's a jungle out there!
1. The criminal was tangled in a web of his own lies.
a. Underline the metaphor in each given sentence.
b. Circle the feeling or object it is being used for. Explain how they are similar.
c. Write the meaning of the metaphor.​


Answered by sarikakale111


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