answer it also...
a. A new study from Boston University reveals that low sodium does not actually cause low blood pressure. A little salt is part of a healthy food plan. The study has shown that the people with the lowest intake of sodium along with the ones who have the Highest intake of sodium have a greater risk of heart disease than the people in the middle.
b. We should consume dairy products because milk products actually play an important role in keeping us healthy. Dairy products are rich in whey, protein, linoleic acid and calcium.
c. Plant - based fats such as monosaturated fats found in foods like almonds, avocado and Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish offer many healthy benefits.
e. If we opt for a higher food, we should check the ingredients and food label to make sure that the fats have not been replaced with added sugar . We must study the reports of various researches before adopting any new mode of eating or food habit otherwise result of the food plan may be opposite of what is expected.