answer my question as fast as you can question no 5 to 15.

5 galvanometer
6 convex mirror
7 through percolation
8 Causes of global warming
There are 2 main reasons why this happens. Unfortunately, both are huge and they have a severe effect on the planet. In addition, they have caused global warming since the early twentieth century. They are:
*Deforestation - The Destruction of forests across the planet, in order to obtain wood and usable space is the main reason for global warming. Every day, millions of trees are cut down and destroyed. Everyone needs several decades to develop, but we destroy it in minutes.
*Industrial emissions - factories around the world are having a negative effect on the environment. Most of them produce carbon dioxide, especially those that use some form of heat and produce smoke. In addition, energy production also leads to carbon dioxide emissions.
Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.