English, asked by TanushkaRathore1212, 8 months ago

Answer of chapter so what are you anyway


Answered by Fatimakincsem

Question answers are given below.


(a) How Carole was traveling?

Carole was traveling by an aeroplane.

(b) What was the name of Carole's doll?

The name of Carole's doll was Amy.

(c) Who was the man with the sunburnt face?

The man with the sunburnt face was "Henry Norton."

(d) What was the name of the woman?

The name of the woman was "Betty Morgan".

(e) Which country Carole was traveling from?

Carole was traveling from Canada.

Answered by tamannaps27


A) Understanding the texts

Answer these questions

Q1) “ What are you anyway?”

a) What did the Norton‟s want to know about Carole?

Ans a) Norton‟s wanted to know what race do her parents belong to.

b) What do you think is problematic with the question? Does the

word „what‟ makes the person seem less than human? How?

Ans b) The questions discriminates between races and is said in a

derogatory fashion. Yes, it makes the other person feel less than

human and low and inferior. The way it is said and usage of body

language of Norton‟s makes the child uncomfortable even though she

does not understand the concept of race.

c) Is there any word or phrase in paragraph 32 which says the same


Ans c) „but the world isn‟t ready for it, they are neither one thing nor

the other‟ indicates the same thing.

Q2) Answer these questions about Carole and her understanding of



a) Does Carole understand the terms „race‟ and „muttato‟?

Ans a) No Carole, doesn‟t understand the terms „race‟ and „muttato‟.

b) When Carole first sees the Norton‟s does she identify them as

White skinned? What is the word she uses to describe Mr Norton?

Ans b) No Carole does not identify Mr Norton as White skinned.Carole

uses the word sunburned to describe him.

c) Do you think Carole understands colour of skin or race as a major

difference between people.

d) Ans c) No, Carole does not understand colour of skin or race as a

major difference between people.

Q3) Answer these questions about the Norton‟s?

a) What is the first thing Norton‟s notices about Carole?

Ans a) Norton‟s notice that the colour of Carole‟s doll is black.

b) In Para 32 Mrs Norton says that „the world is not ready for mixed

people‟ though she does not mind them. Do you think she is being

honest about her feelings. How do we know?

Ans b) Yes, she is honest about her feelings as later in the passage she

asks husband to wake her up and find out if she wants something to eat.

c) What do you think is the difference between Carole and Norton‟s in

the way they approach people? Do they treat everyone equally?

Ans c) Carole and Norton‟s look at people in a very different

manner. For Carole all people are equal, she does not differentiate

between black and white, she is not aware about what is race and it

does not matter to her. However the Norton‟s differentiate and

discriminate people on the basis of race and look down on other

people as inferior.

Q4) “I never use just one colour”

a) What is Carole talking about?

Ans a) She is talking about colouring her father using many different colours in a

colour book.

b) Carole’s mother is a white woman but Carole says she would colour her

using different colours what do you think that she is?

Ans c) Carole does not discriminate between colour for her all colours are same

that is why she said she would colour her using different colours.

d) What does this tell us about the labels black and white that are used for

people are they accurate?

Ans d) No, they are not accurate as they make differences among people according

to the colour of the skin and promote racism.

Q5) What do you think Carole has learnt about people and their attitude towards

race? Do you think her innocent outlook on life will remain the same after the

flight? Do you think it was thoughtless of the Norton’s to ask a child such

questions? Would they have asked an adult the same questions?

Ans 5) Carole’s has learnt that there are people who differentiate between colour

of skin and are racist, all people are not like her parents. Indeed her thinking

about people will change and will get matured outlook of life. Yes, it was

thoughtless and insensitive of Norton’s to ask such a question. No, they would not  

have asked such a question an adult, it was because she was a child they were

bothering her and trying to prove that they belong to a superior race.

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