English, asked by wwwtilakjat5, 1 year ago

Answer on asl topic dependence on technology is making humanity less intelligent


Answered by upenderjoshi28
         'Dependence on Technology is Making Humanity Less Intelligent'.

You must have been familiar with the word 'atrophy'. If not, the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines it as: 'the condition of losing flesh, muscle, strength, etc. in part of the body because it is not being used or because it does not have enough blood.' Man's increasing dependence on technology has literally atrophied his intelligence. Not only intelligence, the effect of technology is visible on all aspects of his life. Machines, gadgets, vehicles, smart-phones, tabs, laptops, ac, blower, geyser, and whatnot, man cannot live for a second without technology.

  As a consequence, he has become physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally weak! He is using less and less mind and body now owing to the computers, smart phones, tabs, etc. Mental activities, such as mathematical calculations, reading for pleasure, pondering over abstract concepts of sciences, literature, etc. are conducive to healthy growth of neurons. However, owing to technology and internet, his preferences have changed. He prefers watching movies, playing video games, and interacting with friends on social-networking cites.

More and more young children are facing issues with their academics. The teachers are complaining poor academic performances of their students. Poor spelling, bad hand-writing, inability to focus on studies, poor grades, etc, are causing concern to both the teachers and parents. These technological gadgets with internet connection facilities are doing the real damage.

The present signs of his decadence do not augur well! If this over dependence on technology is not checked, our children may become imbecile, utterly incapable of surviving any longer on this planet. The ever increasing indexes of patients in the hospitals of the world is a red Not only intelligence, dependence on technology is making humans physically weaker also. We must learn to use technology wisely and appropriately. After all excess of everything is always bad! Let's use technology wisely, not foolishly!

Answered by suraj899786

Explanatioasl topic dependence on technology is making humanity less intelligent

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