English, asked by ppraveenprabhuppp, 1 year ago

Answer the following in 30-40 words.
1. How was Evelyn a source of great pleasure to her audience?
2. How did Bismillah Khan take to music?


Answered by mayanksingh302007

1) A: Evelyn was very young. She performed despite her handicap. Her music was better than those of her double age. She was an inspiration to the handicapped. Thus, she has given enormous pleasure to millions.

2) A. Bismillah Khan took to music early in life. When he was three years old, his mother took him to his maternal uncle’s house in Benaras . Bismillah Khan was fascinated watching his uncle’s practice the shehnai . soon Bismillah began to accompany his uncle to the Vishnu temple of Benaras. Meanwhile , he started getting lessons in shehnai and did a lot of practice.


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