English, asked by tanyayadav4867, 4 months ago

answer the following in about 100 -200 words .it is said that faith can move mountains .but what should one put his faith in.how does this story delicately put forward this through the way lencho handles his crisis​


Answered by limcianna


Mark me as a brainliest


Don’t take this literally.

“Faith can move mountains” is an old adage, which means if your beliefs and confidence are strong enough, you can achieve something which you thought was impossible.

“Faith” is defined as great confidence or trust in something or someone. It is also another word for "Trust".

There is a verse that says about "Faith can move the mountains". It says in Matthew 17:20, "He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

So this verse may sounds too literal, but don't take it literally...ok?

This theme of faith comes up often in the Gospels and seems to accompany a life where the belief that saves is lived out through the works that demonstrate it. Kingdom lifestyle and Kingdom works seem to go together and require a belief that would lead one to act and live in a whole new way of peace, goodness, and power.

I will break down the key parts of the verse:

#1 “He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith.”

Jesus is responding to their question concerning the reason they could not command the demon in the boy. Sometimes it is the faith of the one being freed or healed that is the barrier, such as those in Jesus’ hometown (Mk 6:5). But in this case, it was the disciples’ own inability to believe that was the hindrance to God’s work.

#2 “Truly I tell you,”

This is a phrase used by Jesus whenever he wanted to emphasize an important point.

#3 “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed,”

Genuine faith is either present, or it is not. If it is present at all, it is enough for miracles.

#4 “you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,” and it will move.

This is astounding and should not be taken as mere hyperbole. If we have not been able to move a mountain with a word yet, then we do not yet have the kind of faith that Jesus is referring to. Rather than try to explain this statement away, seek his Kingdom and pray with faith.

#5 “Nothing will be impossible for you.”

It should not be thought of as a superpower to use for your own pleasures, but rather trust for use in God’s plan to save the world. Seek to live a Kingdom life by faith. Cultivate faith in the promises of Jesus. Satan has worked on your mind for your whole life to keep you powerless and weak. Begin to believe Jesus and step out in faith.

P.S. I hope this helps with your homework

P.P.S Don't give up. Just trust in the Lord. You can do it.

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