Answer the following question :
1. What is fertilizers.
2. Why do people use cosmetic.
3. Write the significance of nitrogen.
4. Why nylon socks dry easily.
5. Difference between analgesic and antipyretic.
Answer: Fertilizers are natural or synthetic materials which are used to provide one or more essential nutrients to plants. fertilizers are provided that plants to their proper growth and developments.
- Fertilizer whether natural or artificial substance containing the chemical elements that improve the growth and productiveness of plants.
- Without fertilizers, nature struggles to replenish the nutrients in the soil. When crops are harvested, important nutrients are removed from the soil, because they follow the crop and end up at the dinner table.
- If the soil is not replenished with nutrients through fertilizing, crop yields will deteriorate over time. Careful analyzing and fertilizing of crops enables a chain that provides humans with nutritional food:
1) The nutrients feed the soil
2) The soil feeds the plants
3) Plants feed animals and people
The three most common mineral fertilizers are those based on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. NPK represents the value of three macronutrients N means nitrogen, P means phosphorus and K means potassium. Nitrogen helps in the growth of a plant's leaves, phosphorus helps in the growth of root and flower/fruit development and potassium helps in overall function plants correctly perform.
Note: Phosphorus from fertilizer can cause algae to accumulate in lakes and ponds, killing fish by robbing them of oxygen. Fertilizers can also contaminate water with an overabundance of phosphates and nitrates, making it unsafe for consumption.
a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility.
"sewage sludge could be a valuable fertilizer for use in British forests"
to keep clean and enhance their beauty
essential for growth and reproduction in both plants and animals
tend to dry quicker than cotton fabrics
A fertilizer or fertiliser is any material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soil or to plant tissues to supply plant nutrients. Fertilizers may be distinct from liming materials or other non-nutrient soil amendments. Many sources of fertilizer exist, both natural and industrially produced.
People use cosmetics to keep clean and enhance their beauty. These products range from lipstick and nail polish to deodorant, perfume, hairspray, shampoo, shower gel, tattoos, hair adhesives, hair removal products, hair dyes, most soaps, some tooth whiteners, and some cleansing wipes.
Nitrogen is a naturally occurring element that is essential for growth and reproduction in both plants and animals. It is found in amino acids that make up proteins, in nucleic acids, that comprise the hereditary material and life's blueprint for all cells, and in many other organic and inorganic compounds.
Nylon is a synthetic fabric made of Adipic acid and Hexamethylene Diaamene. Nylon, Polyester, Terylene fabrics tend to dry quicker than cotton fabrics. The synthesized fabric soak little water causing it to dry quickly.