Answer the following questions
(b) Use of words in sentences:
Prey- The eagle carried its prey to the top of the tree.
Return - He will return home by 9 pm.
Q.3 Answer the following questions:
(a) How do desert animals survive without water?
ans: Animals survive in deserts by living underground or resting in burrows during the heat of the day. Some creatures get the moisture they need from their food, so they don't need to drink much water, if any. Others live along the edges of deserts, where there are more plants and shelter.
(b)Was the old woman's gift to Vijay Singh eccentric Why?
ans: The old woman's gift to Vijay Singh was eccentric or unusual because it contained nothing but a lump of salt and an egg. Both of these were not enough for one travelling through a desert.
Q. Change the number
Ox - Oxes
Child - Children
Q. Change the gender
Horse - Mare
Aunt - Uncle
Q. Change the three forms
Give - Gave - Given
Cut - Cut - Cut