Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : (a) How did the loveliness came into Ali's life ? (b) What according to Sylvia Plath, are the qualities of a mirror ? (c) Why did Mrs. Packletide decide to give a party in the honour of Loma Bimberton ? What did she plan to present Loona on her birthday ? (d) How will the 'living record' of the poet's beloved and his memory be more powerful than
wasteful wars ?
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The frog was a hated singer in the bog. He had a rough voice and the creatures living in the bog loathed his voice, still he kept on singing. But with the arrival of the nightingale the situation changed. His position was challenged. So, he posed as a Beat singer and offered to teach the nightingale. The nightingale, being foolish, accepted him as her teacher and tried to imitate his voice. With the result, her own voice became hoarse and uninspired. Other creatures also became tired of listening to her song. At this, the frog scolded her. In order to please the frog, she rehearsed a lot which ended in her bursting a vein and she died.
The two boys, Nicola and Jacopo, were very hard working. Fate had never smiled on them. Their home had been destroyed and they had lost their father in a bomb•blast. Their sister was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. But this did not deter their spirit They admitted her to a nearby hospital and ensured that they paid the bill every week. For this they earned money by hawking newspapers, selling fruits, shining shoes, running errands and what not Even war did not break their spirit In a way, they fought against all odds and never lost the battle. They were trying their best to come Out victorious from this battleSimilar questions
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