Answer the following questions in one sentence. 1. What does soil contain? 2. Name the three types of soils. 3. What are the different layers of the soil called? 4. What lies below horizon C? 5. From where do soil organisms obtain air? 6. What is meant by water-holding capacity of soil? Answer the following questions in two sentences. 1. What is weathering of rocks?
The answer to the following questions are as follows:
- What does soil contain?
Ans: The soil contains organic matter, living organism, Gases, water and minerals.
- Name the three types of soils.
Ans: The three types of soils are as follows:
- Sandy soil
- Silt Soil
- Clay Soil
- What are the different layers of soil called?
Ans: The different layers of soil are as follows:
- O: Surface layer
- A: Top soil
- B: Sub soil
- C: Weathered rocks
- R: Bed rock
- What lies below horizon C?
Ans: The bed rocks are present below horizon C.
- From where do soil organisms obtain air?
Ans: The soil has plenty of gaps in between and those gaps are filled with air. The organisms obtain air from these gaps for their survival.
- What is meant by water-holding capacity of soil?
Ans: Water holding capacity of the soil means for how long the soil retain water in between its layers before it is passed down to the bedrock.
- What is weathering of rocks?
Ans: Weathering of rocks means the breakdown of rocks slowly with time due to environmental phenomenons like thunder strike, vegetation growth and rubbing of two rocks. Weathering of rocks create soil.
1A ) soil contain humus , mineral particles ,water, air and living organisms.
2A ) clay , silt , sand , loam soils are there.
3A ) the simplest soils have three horizons ( top soil ) (A horizon ) , (sub soil ) ( B horizon ),( parent soil or rock) ( C horizon )
4A ) bed rock
5A ) The space between soil particles is filled with air which is used by oraganisms for their growth .
6A ) The amount of water that a given soil can hold for crops .
1A ) the breaking down of rock and minerals on eart surface is called weathering of rocks.