Physics, asked by sohailshaikh31728, 2 months ago

Answer the following: What is systematic error? State its classifications into different categories.​


Answered by chandan454380


Systematic Errors:

Systematic errors can be better understood if we divide it into subgroups; They are:

  1. Environmental Errors
  2. Observational Errors
  3. Instrumental Errors


Environmental Errors: This type of error arises in the measurement due to the effect of the external conditions on the measurement. The external condition includes temperature, pressure, and humidity and can also include an external magnetic field. If you measure your temperature under the armpits and during the measurement, if the electricity goes out and the room gets hot, it will affect your body temperature thereby affecting the reading.

Observational Errors: These are the errors that arise due to an individual’s bias, lack of proper setting of the apparatus, or an individual’s carelessness in taking observations. The measurement errors also include wrong readings due to Parallax errors.

Instrumental Errors: These errors arise due to faulty construction and calibration of the measuring instruments. Such errors arise due to the hysteresis of the equipment or due to friction. Lots of the time, the equipment being used is faulty due to misuse or neglect which changes the reading of the equipment. The zero error is a very common type of error. This error is common in devices like Vernier calipers and screw gauge. The zero error can be either positive or negative. Sometimes the readings of the scale are worn off and this can also lead to a bad reading.

Instrumental error takes place due to :

  • An inherent constraint of devices  
  • Misuse of Apparatus  
  • Effect of Loading
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