English, asked by xXDinamitexX, 9 months ago

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Answered by srushti558


No. Wars only bring innumerable sufferings to warring states in their wake. Conflict resolution between nations should happen only through diplomacy. In this nuclear age, the cost of war wrt casualties can take the form of huge chunks of population being wiped out, radioactive uninhabitable landmasses and destruction of infrastructure to the extent where recovery may take more than 50 years. If the war does not go nuclear, hate and distrust would take a monstrous form, prolonging enmity for years finally leading to a nuclear exchange if both countries end up being nuclear capable states. Something similar is going on between India and Pakistan at present. So wars are no solution to any conflict. The best a war can do is to destroy two nations beyond immediate recovery. No country, no conflict. That's not a feasible solution.


Hope it helps you...if it helped you then mark me as brainlist...

Answered by ItzSmartavinay


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