answer with correct reason pls pls pls this is my homework pls

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i) √120 is the odd one in the question.
↪ If you consider √36, it is not a surd. [ √36 = 6 ]
↪ If you consider √50 / 98 (√ 25 / 49 when cancelled by 2), it is not a surd.
[√25 / 49 ] = 5 / 7
↪ If you consider √1, it is not a surd. [ √1 = 1 ]
↪ If you consider √1.44, it is not a surd. [ √1.44 = 1.2 ]
↪ If you consider 5th root of 32, it is not a surd. [ 5th root of 32 = 2 ]
↪ If you consider √120, it is a surd.
ii) √1.21 is the odd one out.
↪ If you consider √7, it is a surd.
↪ If you consider √48, it is a surd.
↪ If you consider cube root of 36, it is a surd.
↪ If you consider √5 + √3, it is a surd.
↪ If you consider √1.21, it is not a surd. [ √1.21 = 1.1 ]
↪ If you consider √ 1 / 10, it is a surd.
2) Yes, All surds are irrational number.
↪ Surd : A Surd is in the form of nth root of a, where a is called radicand, nth root is called radical, n is called order.
↪ Surds cannot be written in the form of p/q.
↪ Example : √3 + √6 is a surd.
↪ √3 + √6 cannot be written in the form of p/q because the result is a
non-terminating non-recurring decimal.
3) No, all irrational numbers are not Surds.
↪ π and e are not Surds because they are irrational number.
↪ But under the root, the number should be a rational number.
↪ Example : √3 which is a surd, you can see under the root there is a rational number.
↪ You can't express π and e as surds.
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