answers my question plz help me
The proverb 'Fortune favors the brave' suggests that a man has to take a risk now and then. People achieve success in life not because of their good luck alone. They achieve success because they are brave enough to remove the obstacles with courage. Things that come to us quite easily are rather lightly esteemed.
The story of brave men are frequented in our legends and myths. The brave are subjected to countless hardship and incidents. But it is momentary triumphs because in the end it is the brave who has the laugh,. The fabulous heroes of Greek mythology known for their courage and valour have often found their way into world. The life of Odysseus the Greek hero was full of adventure and struggle but in the end he overcomes adversities. The familiar story of Androcles and the Lion depicts how the brave Androcles was saved by destiny. He was condemned to death and was thrown to the cage of a hungry lion. But the lion turned out to be the one he had befriend when he took out a painful thorn from a paw.