English, asked by kiaraALLC4167, 1 year ago

Answers of (This is going to hurt just a little bit)


Answered by diya200
‘This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit’ by Ogden Nash is a humorous poem filled with exaggerations, puns and metaphors. It is a hilarious description of the whole experience of sitting in a dental chair which causes the poet great agony.

This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit by Ogden Nash: Summary and Analysis

‘This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit’ by Ogden Nash is a humorous poem filled with exaggerations, puns and metaphors. It is a hilarious description of the whole experience of sitting in a dental chair which causes the poet great agony.

Answered by IlAloneboiIl


Answers of (This is going to hurt just a little bit)


Note- Here only the answers have been written.

Answer the following.


Ans: The patient, out of fear and pain, digs his nails into his palms, thereby ‘altering’ the lines on his palm.


Ans: He feels so because the dental work jangles his nerves and makes him nerve-wracked and unsettled.


Ans: The narrator feels that dental procedures are both physically and mentally torturous as they cause pain to him and also irritate him.


Ans: c. polishing of teeth.


Ans: No, the poet is not able to walk properly because he is shaken after the dental treatment. He uses the word ‘totter’ to describe his walk.


Ans: The dentist tells him that he has to come back to him after three months. This shatters the narrator’s hope.



Ans: He finds it to be undignified as his mouth is held open while the dentist performs his procedure.


Ans: The narrator seems to be a very happy person who likes things around him, but his mood becomes less happy when he enters the dentist’s clinic.


Ans: The poet is referring to the fact that some people choose to have gum treatments and thus it is a form of self-inflicted torture.


Ans: ‘From cellar to roof’ refers to the inside of the mouth which is coated by the dentist.


Ans: The narrator compares the dentist with a bear.


Ans: ‘And your mouth is like a section of road that is being worked on’, ‘And your teeth are supposed to be being polished, But you have reason to believe they are being demolished’ and ‘He then coats your mouth from cellar to roof, With something I suspect is generally used to put a shine on a horse’s hoof’ are examples of exaggerated descriptions.



Ans: Dental health is important. The food enters our body through the mouth, and then provides us with energy. Therefore, if we maintain good dental health, we can maintain a better overall physical health.


Ans: By brushing twice every day and by rinsing the mouth after every meal, and by visiting the dentist regularly, we can maintain a good dental health.

Interpretting the Poem

A. Complete these sentences:

1. sitting in a dentist chair with his mouth wide open.

2. both physical and mental.

3. a section of road that is being worked on.

4. they are being demolished.

5. the dentist to look inside the mouth.

6. a thing that is used to polish a horse’s hoof.


A. The rhyme scheme is: ABABCCDD

B. That I am against hope hopen’ – He does not want to hope to meet the dentist again.‘And he says come back in three monce’ – The dentist tells him to come back in three months‘...Thou ever sentest.’ – That you have ever sentenced.

C. c. simile

This is because the dental work in his mouth is being compared to the work done on a section of road.

D. Fate has been personified.

E. Alliteration: ‘...hope that I am against hope hopen.’

F. The image of the work being done on a section of road is very funny.

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