How many impossible tasks was Hercules asked to perform
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it was Eurystheus how imposed upon Hercules the famous labours , later arranged in a cycle of 12 , usually are as follows :
1) the slaying of the nemean lion , whose skin he thereafter wore
2) the slaying of the nine - headed hydra of lerna
3) the capture of the elusive hind of Arcadia
4) the capture of the wild boar of mount Erymanthus
5) the cleansing , in the single day , of the cattle stable of king augeas of elis
6) the shooting of the monstrous man eat birds of the stymphalian marshes
7) the capture of the mad bull that terrorised
the island of crete
8) the capture of the man eating mares of king diomedes of the bistones
9) the taking of the girdle of hippolety , queen of the Amazon
10) the seizing of the cattle of the three bodies giant geryon , who ruled the island erytheia in the far west
11) the bringing back on the golden apples kept at the world by the hesperides
12) fetching up from underworld of the triple headed dog cerberus