English, asked by ashishmeena9660, 4 months ago

Any amount of repetition of Ramayana is futile , if it fails to stir the

soul. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words, than words

without a heart. And I am giving you a bit of my experience , and

that of my companions when I say, that he who has experienced

the magic of prayer, may do without food for days together, but not

a single moment without prayer. For, without prayer there is no

inward peace.

(i) When is repetition of Ramayana is futile? 1

(ii) What is better to have in prayer, a heart without words or the

words without heart? 1

(iii) What does the prayer provide us? 1

(iv) Find the word from the passage which means: useless​


Answered by mandakinithakur62


1. repetition of ramayan is futile when it fails to stir the soul

2.it is better in prayers to have a heart without words , than words without a heart .

3. everyday prayer can give you inner peace , calmness and mental stability .

4. futile

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