English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

any five English thought with explanation


Answered by shivu0987
1 rejection doesn't mean that you are not good enough - rejection doesn't mean that you are not good enough it means that the other person feel to notice what you have to offer

2 what u imagine u create - it means that what you think you become what you feel you attract what you imagine you create.

3 beauty isn't about having a pretty face- it means that beauty is about having a pretty mind kind heart and most important pretty so it isn't about having a pretty face

4 feelings are just visitors let them come and go- it means that feelings are only visitors let them come and let them go too.

5 friends are most important ingredient- it means that life is a just like a recipe and friends are the most important ingredient in that recipe of life.

I hope this answer will help u and if this answer both help and satisfy u than please mark it as a brainliest answer:)....
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