Music, asked by sahreenmir, 1 year ago

any Islamic prayer related to never give up for school assembly program


Answered by GeniusShweta

Hey user....

My brother and my sister. Pray.
No matter what’s happening in your life. Pray.
No matter what sin you’re committing and how much of it you’re committing. Pray.
No excuses
Sister tells me, “Brother I don’t wear Hijab”. I tell you pray.
She tells me “Look you know my dress code is not the best”. I tell you pray.
Brother “I drink Alcohol.” Pray.
Brother tells me “I sell drugs”. Pray.
“I take drugs”. Pray.
“I have a girlfriend and I’m sleeping with her”. I tell you pray.
No matter what’s happening in your life. Pray.
“But brother, how can I be committing all these sins and pray?”
“That’s disrespectful, that makes me a hypocrite.”
I tell you no! That’s why we pray.
Because we’re not perfect, we’re sinners. We do wrong.
Pray. Allah says “The Prayer will take you away from sin”. Pray.
You know sometimes people say, “Look, let me straighten my life out”
“and Insha’Allah I will start praying”.
Habibi you will never straighten anything out if you don’t pray.
That’s why you pray, to straighten your life out.
Nothing my brothers and sisters
Let no man get between you and Allah. Pray.
No matter what is happening in your life. Pray.
No matter where you are. Pray.
You know sometimes people come to you and tell you
“Brother, sister you’re a hypocrite.”
“Sister, you know, you don’t wear the Hijab and you pray.”
Tell her “Sister, thank you very much. I’m a hypocrite, May Allah reward you.”
But my prayer is between me and Allah.
No body else’s business.
The Prophet of Allah he says the difference between us and them, is the prayer.
The very first question on the day of resurrection
that you’re going to be asked is about the prayer.

hope this helps u
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