Any local poison which found in market for suicide?
The disclosure of Delhi police that Sunanda Pushkar, wife of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, was murdered using a poisonous substance that is yet to be identified, has generated interest in poisons that can kill people.What are the poisons that are used for killing people?Based on various sources, we are presenting a list of 10 poisonous substances known to mankind: Arsenic is known to be the most potent poison that has killed many lives. It has been used since ancient time and has a long and diverse history of use. Its lack of colou r, smell, and taste made it one of the most preferred poisons. When taken in high dosage arsenic causes severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, and ultimately death. Some of the famous people who are believed to have died due to arsenic poisoning are Napoleon Bonaparte, George the 3rd of England and Simon Bolivar.