English, asked by projectenglish, 1 year ago

any small moral story in english


Answered by Anonymous
Once upon a time Shree Krishna and Arjun went for a short stroll around the city. They saw a poor looking priest begging. Arjun felt pity at him and he gave him a bag full of 100 gold coins. The priest became very happy and thanked Arjun. He left for his home. On way, he saw another person who needed help. The priest could have spared a coin or two to help that person. however, he chose to ignore it. But on way to his home, one thief robbed him of his bag of coins and ran away.The priest became dejected and went back again for begging. Next day again when Arjun saw the same priest begging and he was surprised that after getting a bag full of coins which can last a lifetime, the priest was still begging! He called the priest and asked him the reason for this. The priest told him about the whole incident and Arjun again felt pity at him. So, this time he gave him a diamond.The priest became very happy and left for home and he again saw someone who needed help but he chose to ignore again. Upon reaching home, he safely put the diamond in an empty pot of water with a plan to cash it out later and live a wealthy life. His wife was not at home. He was very tired so he decided to take a nap. In between, his wife came home and picked up that empty pot of water, walked towards the river close by to fill up the water. She had not noticed the diamond in the pot. Upon arriving at the river, she put the whole pot into the running river water to fill it up. She filled up the pot but the diamond was gone with the water flow!.

projectenglish: I feel u are a strict person?
DivyaTripathi: yes im
projectenglish: ok
projectenglish: u add me as your following
projectenglish: as I don't know how to do it
projectenglish: ok
DivyaTripathi: ok
projectenglish: did u add me?
projectenglish: as your follower
Anonymous: please follow me
Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan



Raghav finds a box on the road with bright yellow happiness pills in it. He is not sure what to do with it but then he opened the box and there was a letter stating that 

These are the pills of happiness and the person whoever will consume it can never have sadness in their life and it had certain points which were have to be followed after taking the pills some of them were as follows firstly the man should stop being jealous secondly he should not have anger thirdly he should not have revenge fourthly man should not have arrogance fifthly the man should not be selfish .

Raghav did not care for those instructions and he was very arrogant , jealous etc there were 5 pills in that box , Raghav consumed all of them and he did not think of the society which has a lot of unhappiness in it and as Raghav consumed it he started to have a different feel after this he went to his friends and started his arrogance and said that he is the happiest person on earth and whenever he saw a person happy he would make that person sad by his own ways.

Weeks passed on and the bad qualities of Raghav increased and the bad days for Raghav started and now he was more sad as compared to before , he started losing everything his friends , his family , wealth etc . one night Raghav could not sleep properly because of his sadness and he started thinking that even after taking those pills why is he sad then later after spending may hours he could sleep and that night in his dream the same box came and said him to read the 5 chits which are in the box .

Now he went near the box and saw the 5 chits which he refused to read it before he took one of the chit that read stop being jealous and try to share things and help people and try to be one of a kind than of think to get a thing that other person has he chose the second chit that read dont be angry and all that he chose third one which said him not to have the mind of revenge and the fourth said him not to have arrogance and the final one said him to stop being selfish and it also revealed the secret of being happy , it said that 

Just try to take out all the bad things in your mind and try to  be friendly with everyone , share things with everyone , mingle with them and care for them , help them etc only if u try to become a ideal person you can be happy and each pill represented a bad habit of a person and there are many such pills which exists in world and you r lucky to have got this one.

After that day Raghav changed and he became a good person and he got respect from people etc and he got back all his lost things like friends , family etc and now he was one of the happiest person in the world

Read more on Brainly.in - https://brainly.in/question/647831#readmore

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