any two characteristics of jati
Caste system entails a number of characteristics. They are as follows: 1. Segmental division: So far as caste system is concerned, each caste is an autonomous group independent of the other. Membership in a caste is based on birth. Hence it is unchangeable. For this reason mobility from one caste to another is impossible. Each caste has its own way of life. It has its own rules and regulations, customs, traditions, practices and rituals. It has its own governing body called the caste council to enforce the caste rules. In this way each caste is a social world by itself. 2. Hierarchy: The caste system is hierarchical in nature. It comprises four varnas or castes. These in descending order of ranking are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. There are many castes between the two extremes-the Brahmins and the Shudras. Their social status depends upon their distance from the Brahmins. The untouchables exist outside the Varna scheme. This five-fold categorization is essentially a religious one, making distinctions on the basis of relative ritual purity. D.C. Bhattacharya rightly observes that “not only do the various castes form a hierarchy but the occupation practised by them, the various items of their diet and the customs they observe all form separate hierarchies.” 3. Endogamy: Westermark regards endogamy as the essence of the caste system. Endogamy refers to marriage within the caste. The principle of endogamy forbids its members to marry outside the caste. The violation of the rule of endogamy would mean ostracism and loss of caste. Marriage within the Gotra or clan is prohibited. This rule of exogamy is observed strictly in the rural setting. Further, it is worth mentioning in this context that there are a few exceptions to the rule of endogamy in the form of anuloma and pratiloma marriage. 4. Fixity of occupation: Caste system is characterized by fixity of occupation. Occupations are hereditary and the members of a caste are expected to follow their traditional occupation without fail. Brahmins are engaged in performing religious ceremonies. Washermen regard it their duty to wash clothes of other caste people. Some occupations like trade, agriculture, military service are, however, regarded as anybody’s callings. 5. Commensality: Commensality refers to the beliefs, practices, rules and regulations that determine inter-caste relationships and are observed with regard to the kind of food and water taken. The members of a caste accept ‘kachcha food’ only from either their own caste or castes ritually higher than their own.