appliances process skills indifferent daily life
♡ ↪☛ Many education systems monitor student learning to provide some answers to these questions.
Comparative international analyses can extend and enrich the national picture by establishing the levels
of performance being achieved by students in other countries and by providing a larger context within
which to interpret national results. They can provide direction for schools’ instructional efforts and for stu-
dents’ learning as well as insights into curriculum strengths and weaknesses. Coupled with appropriate
incentives, they can motivate students to learn better, teachers to teach better and schools to be more
effective. They also provide tools to allow central authorities to monitor achievement levels even when
administration is devolved and schools are being run in partnership with communities.
administration is devolved and schools are being run in partnership with communities. Governments and the general public need solid and internationally comparable
evidence of educa-
tional outcomes. In response to this demand, the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Develop-
ment (OECD) has launched the Programme for International Student Assessment
produce policy-oriented and internationally comparable indicators of student
achievement on a regular
and timely basis. The assessments will focus on 15-year-olds, and the indicators are designed to contrib-
ute to an understanding of the extent to which education systems in participating
countries are preparing
their students to become lifelong learners and to play constructive roles as citizens in