English, asked by thefight, 1 year ago

application for compensation to dc


The Crime Victims Compensation Program is funded by fines and fees paid to the DC Courts. Monies are used to compensate victims for out of pocket crime-related expenses for: medical treatment and medications; mental health counseling; funeral and burial costs; loss of wages; cleaning of a crime scene; replacement of value of clothing held as evidence; reimbursement for car rental while vehicle is being held as evidence; temporary emergency shelter where necessary for the health and safety of the victim; and home security for the safety of the victim

How do I...

figure out if I am eligible to get my expenses covered by CVCP?

You are eligible if:

You suffered injury or death due to a violent crime committed in the District of Columbia OR you are a resident of the District of Columbia and suffered personal injury or death as a result of a terrorist act or act of mass violence committed outside of the United States, and
The crime was reported to law enforcement within seven days of occurrence. (Exception: victims of sexual assault are eligible if they get a sexual assault examination, victims of domestic violence are eligible if they seek a protection order, and the reporting requirement is met by victims of child cruelty if a neglect petition is filed in DC Superior Court.) and,
You file an application with the Crime Victims Compensation Program within one year of the crime, or within one year of learning of the program with adequate showing that the delay was reasonable, and
You cooperate with the reasonable requests of law enforcement to help locate the person who committed the crime, and
You did not participate in, agree to, or provoke the crime that caused the injury.
get compensation for expenses I had as a result of being the victim of a crime?

Fill out an application, and submit it along with a copy of your DC police report or DC civil protection order (the program does not accept temporary restraining orders), any bills or receipts that you would like to have reimbursed by the program. Applications may be submitted in person at one of two locations: 1) Court Building A, 515 5th Street NW, Suite 109, Washington, DC 20001, OR 2) United Medical Center. 1310 Southern Avenue SE, Room 311, Washington, DC 20032. You can mail applications to the Crime Victims Compensation Program at the following address: Court Building A, 515 5th Street NW, Suite 109, Washington, DC 20001

know that my information will be kept confidential?

Information, records, and transcripts of hearings contained in the claims files are confidential and not open to public inspection. The claimant, his authorized representative, or a physician treating or examining the claimant are exceptions. Other persons may inspect the claimant's files and records only when rendering assistance to the court on a matter pertaining to the administration of the claim.

Further Information

For further information please see our Brochure.
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