Application for the Corona virus whith friend
Indeed, those pressures often serve as excuses, just as we excuse ourselves from going to the gym or taking up yoga or meditation or any of the things we say we want to do. The most famous excuse for not writing letters is, “I don’t have time.”
Well, a great many of us have time now.
At this writing, cities and states across the United States are on varying degrees of lockdown, with people directed to stay home as much as possible. The devastating scenes we have received from China and Italy of hospitals overwhelmed with critically ill patients, and mass graves in Iran, presage what is in store for us soon.
Whether we are fortunate enough to have a home stocked with jigsaw puzzles, games and books, privileged enough to have collections of DVDs or subscriptions for streaming movies, there is likely time now to write some letters. Their value is more than many estimate.