application for water supply connection
Date: DD/MM/YY
The Manager/Director/Concern Authority…
Water Supply Company name…
Office Address…
Sub: Request for New Water Connection
With due respect, I want to say that I have built a new house and there is a severe need for a good water connection. (Describe in your words). I’m (name) and I shifted to the (Area name house name) about a month ago and since then I have no other complaints except the supply of clean water. (Explain the actual problem and situation). There is no water connection to any area of this house and I have requested it several times but haven’t received any response. This is causing havoc because water is the most essential thing in life so I have to get water from a mile away which is also a burden. (Explain all about the situation).
I would kindly request you to please send some workmen to establish a water connection at my house. I shall be very thankful to you.
Yours Respectfully,
Your Name…
Contact Info. and Signature…